Taming Self-Editing Beast: Fiction/Memoir Workshop Recording

  • February 13, 2024
  • 7:00 PM
  • February 28, 2025
  • Online


  • Taming Self-Editing Beast: Fiction/Memoir Workshop Recording
    ***Members - LOG IN First prior to registering***
  • Taming Self-Editing Beast: Fiction/Memoir Workshop Recording


Dori Harrell

Taming the Self-Editing Beast: Fiction/Memoir

Workshop Recording

Take your writing to publishing-industry expectations (and beyond) with Dori's comprehensive suggestions for examining your content, with examples from an actual content-edited manuscript.

In this workshop you will learn about

  • characterization
  • plot tension
  • pacing
  • dialog structure
  • point of view
  • theme
  • scene balance
  • author voice

The workshop recording cost is $30 for members and $50 for non-members. Be sure to login as a member before registering.  

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