
Monthly Meetings

We meet on the first Monday of each month, September through June, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The September and January meetings are held on the second Monday because of the holidays. Our meetings are hybrid in-person and remote. Emails with meeting details and links to join are sent to all contacts prior to each meeting.

To request an online meeting link, contact our secretary.

We meet at Eastside Foursquare Church, 14520 100th Ave. NE, Bothell, WA 98041 and on Zoom. Join the online meeting early! We start informal socializing at 6:45 PM. It is a great time to meet people.

Opportunities to Present


Each month there is an opportunity for a NCWA member to give a five-minute devotion at our meeting. It is a wonderful opportunity to gain some speaking experience and encourage our members from the Word of God.

Are you a member of NCWA? Do you have a word of encouragement from God’s word? Has God lavished His care upon you, and you wish to raise your voice in thanksgiving? If so, please consider signing up to give one of our monthly devotions.

Use your creativity with words and stories to encourage us. Five minutes is a short amount of time, but still long enough to share a powerful message. Here are a few tips:

  • Choose a single verse or short passage.
  • Identify one or two points you want to make.
  • Keep it simple. Five minutes is not enough time for complexity or topics and stories that require long explanations or set up.
  • Practicing and timing your devotion will help you refine your message and stay within the time limit.

If you wish to participate, please contact our Devotion Coordinator. We look forward to what you share.

Bonus tip: Consider writing up your devotion and submitting it to our newsletter.

Writers Coach

Our members have learned things along the way in their writing journeys. The ten minute Writer’s Coach segment of our meeting provides an opportunity for a member to teach a skill or share a tool for the writing craft.

Are you a seasoned writer who is a member of NCWA with experience and knowledge in a skill area or tool of the writing craft? You might consider volunteering to do one of our 10-minute Writer’s Coach segments. It provides presentation/teaching experience for you and our members benefit from the things you learned on your writing journey.

Here are a few tips:

  • Choose a single concept, skill or tool.
  • Plan & Rehearse – If you know you tend to run over shorten the time you allow yourself when practicing. Prepare a one sentence summary you can use if you realize you need to cut it short.
  • Suggestions to help focus the presentation
    • Pick something that helped you refine and improve your writing.
    • Introduce us to a tool, software, or event and tell us how it helped you.
    • Include an exercise to practice or understand the skill.
Remember the purpose is help equip those listening.

If you wish to participate, please contact our Writers Coach Coordinator.

Bonus tip: Consider writing up your writing coach tips and submitting it to our newsletter.

Opportunities to Share Milestones

Celebrations & Redirections

If you are a writer who has begun submitting work to publishers, congratulations! Please share your writing-related milestones during the CELEBRATIONS AND REDIRECTIONS portion of our monthly meetings. By the way, we rename rejection letters redirection letters, because we trust that God has an even better plan for your work.

Do you have any publishing news to share with us at a monthly meeting?

What kind of news qualifies?

  • Getting a book published (self or traditionally).
  • Publishing an article in a magazine or online publication.
  • Winning or becoming a finalist in a contest.
  • Receiving a rejection letter—Hey, it means you’re submitting and in the game.

How does it work?

  • Double check—this is for members only.
  • You can sign up by sending an email to our Vice President no later than the day before the meeting or sign up in person at the meeting.
  • If you are present during the meeting our Vice President will call on you to come forward to share your news. If you are remote, you will unmute your microphone when called on and share.
  • Because of our time constraints, it is especially important that you limit your sharing to 30 SECONDS. You might want to practice to get a feel for how long you have.
  • If you share remotely, you will mute your microphone when finished.

We want to hear your news! By sharing your news, we can give glory to God with you and are encouraged in our own journeys.

Writer's High Five

Are you a published writer who is a member of NCWA? We would love to hear some highlights from your publishing journey. Sharing your story in this five-minute format at our monthly meetings encourages those who are still working towards their publishing dreams.

Sharing highlights from our writing journeys at NCWA is all about recognizing God’s faithfulness to us and encouraging others to keep moving forward on their writing journeys. It is your story and your five minutes. Be creative in how you get it across within the time given.

Here are a few tips:

  • Strip it down. There is not enough time for long explanations or set up. Well-chosen essentials communicate powerfully.
  • Plan and rehearse. If you know you tend to run over shorten the time you allow yourself when practicing. Prepare a one sentence summary you can use if you realize you need to cut it short.
  • Focus your presentation. Here are some suggestions that might help.
    • In a simple statement answer the question “Why do you write?"
    • What was one thing that helped you persevere when discouraged?
    • What was the most significant turning point?
    • State the success, what was published.
Remember the purpose is to be an encouraging example to those listening.

If you wish to participate, please contact our Author Support Coordinator. We look forward to hearing about your journey.

Bonus tip: Consider writing up your Writers High Five and submitting it to our newsletter.

Book Launches

Members of NCWA can participate in a book launch at a monthly meeting for their newly published books. Book launches include:

  • Five minutes to describe the book during the meeting.
  • Opportunity to sell the book at the in-person meeting.
  • Announcement about the book on NCWA’s Facebook page.
  • A free book giveaway.

Do you have a newly published book? We want to celebrate with you and help you promote your book to our members.

Qualifications for a book launch:

  • NCWA member for six months.
  • Book content agrees with NCWA’s Statement of Faith.
  • If selling the book at the in-person meeting, the author must be registered as a business with the Department of State Licensing.


  • NCWA provides a table for display purposes.
  • Author provides everything for the display and sale of their books.
  • Author is responsible for paying their own sales tax.
  • Author provides bio, book blurb, photograph, and book cover graphic to the Author Support Coordinators for use on Facebook and in NCWA emails.
  • Provide a free book for the book giveaway.

If you wish to participate, please contact our Author Support Coordinator.

Upcoming Speakers

February 3, 2025 --Steve Brock

How to Get Unstuck and Build Momentum in Your Writing

Steve Brock combines a lifelong commitment to Jesus with artistic pursuits in writing, photography, painting, cooking, music, travel, illusion design, woodworking, and more to seek new ways of understanding creativity and faith. He has written widely in the travel arena ranging from articles for National Geographic and others to his book, Hidden Travel: The Secret to Extraordinary Trips.

Steve Brock has worked with Fortune 500 corporations such as Microsoft, Walmart, Prudential, and others, as well as Christian nonprofits such as American Bible Society, Compassion International, Cru, Focus on the Family, The Salvation Army, World Vision and many others for decades in the areas of branding, marketing, innovation, and experience design.

He has two grown sons and lives near Seattle, WA with his wife and favorite traveling/creative companion (who fortunately is the same person). He’s also been a member of NCWA for the past five years.

March 3, 2025 - Janalyn Voigt

April 7, 2025 - Pitch U

Practice Pitching to Experts

It is all about perfecting the pitch at Pitch University night!

  • Perfect your five-minute pitch and one-sheet.
  • Learn tips from experts.
  • Practice your short pitch/share your one sheet with fellow writers.
  • Give your pitch to an experienced coach who will help you polish your approach.
  • Show your one sheet to a veteran writer who will provide pointers to enhance it.

 If you are pitching your book at the conference, you are highly encouraged to attend, so you’ll be ‘pitch ready’ to present your manuscript to an agent/editor.

May 5, 2025 -- Julie Zander

Cobbling Together an Income as a Writer

Julie McDonald Zander worked as an award-winning newspaper reporter and editor for twenty years before launching her personal history business, Chapters of Life, in 1999. Since then, she has published more than seventy-five individual, company, community, and organizational histories, including histories of Centralia College, Bucoda, Chehalis, the Hemphill-O’Neill Company, and the Lewis County Courthouse.

She is a freelance editor and writes a weekly column for The Chronicle in Centralia, Washington. She has organized conferences and taught workshops for writers, editors, and personal historians. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington in communications and political science.  She and her husband, Larry, have two grown children. 

June 9, 2025 -- Angela Breidenbach

Writing Family Stories: From Cautionary Tales to Heroic Inspiration, Learn How to Write Family and Local History into Your Stories

Angela Breidenbach is the executive director for the International Institute of Genealogical Studies, found at, where she helps people become professional genealogists and gain their dream career.

As a bestselling author of historical fiction, her stories capture true history while she uses her skills as a professional genealogist to weave in the people, place, and time to bring the past to life. Whether in writing or teaching, Angie is a passionate story-telling educator preserving the past for future generations. Find her latest 6-book series, Queen of the Rockies, at


January 6, 2024 - Genre Network Night

Online Meeting!

January is our online Genre Networking night. In addition to many of our regular meeting features, we will break out into genre groups for questions and discussion. You won't want to miss this special opportunity to get to know other Northwest Christian writers.

December 2, 2024 -- Matt Mikalatos

Lessons from Saint Nicholas

Matt Mikalatos is the award-winning author of fifteen books, both fiction and non-fiction, including his highly acclaimed memoir Sky Lantern, for which Matt was featured on the TODAY show. He is the co-creator, alongside NYT bestselling author Hugh Howey, of AMC’s Evergreen and Sony's The Disciple. His first graphic novel, God With Us, releases April 1st of next year. He lives in the Portland, OR, area with his wife, three daughters, and a giant rabbit named Bruce.

November 4, 2024 - Carol Tetzlaff

Discover Your Unique Marketing Gift to Sell Your Book

Carol Tetzlaff is a dynamic speaker, author, and associate publisher at Redemption Press. She is the author of Ezra: Unleashing the Power of Praise, which earned the 2022 Selah Award for Bible Study of the Year. With 22 years of service in the local church, she has served in ministries ranging from children's to worship. Carol’s current passion is coaching authors, helping them craft and market their messages for meaningful kingdom impact.

Carol is living her best life with her husband, Kelley, in Gilbert, Arizona, where they have eleven super cute grandkids. She loves super-sweet iced coffee, fun times with friends, shoe shopping, and all things yellow.

Her new releases include, More than Just a Word Journal and God with Us, Immanuel Advent Devotional, are highly anticipated releases slated for fall 2024.

Visit or email her at

October 7, 2024 - Terry Glaspey

What I Learned About Writing from Jane Austen

Terry Glaspey is the author of numerous books: Discovering God Through the Arts (winner of book awards from Christianity Today and The Gospel Coalition), 75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know (winner of book awards from Christianity Today and The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association), The Prayers of Jane Austen, Not a Tame Lion: The Life, Teachings, and Legacy of C.S. Lewis, Prayer Basics for Everyone, and many more. Terry has a doctorate in spiritual formation, is an associate professor at Northwind Theological Seminary, and had over 25 years experience as an editor with a major Christian publisher. Terry speaks regularly at conferences, universities, and churches throughout the United States, in the UK, Canada, and Taiwan. His website is

September 9, 2024 - Nova McBee

The Contender: Preparing for Success

Nova McBee is the award-winning and best-selling author of the Calculated series which is currently in development for film. A Seattle native, Nova has lived nearly half her life in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. When she is not writing, she thrives on deep conversation in different languages and ends of the earth adventures with her family and friends

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